November 22

The Five Focus Words

Excellence We are proud and feel happy and good of how we do things at this school , and at this school excellence means when you do something so good and fabulous you get so happy and you go home with a good smile of glory .

Love – I think why the principle chose this word because we love to learn and have fun at recess and lunch . love also is to respect others and not to do anything rude and disturbing .

Respect – I think why the school chose this other respect was to show why we care and have a strong relationship with the staff and the teachers plus the volunteers . 

Gratitude – I think why the school chose gratitude, was to show the way we shine bright and also the way we are thankful to have a school and good, caring, kind and awesome teachers plus a AWESOME PRINCIPLE !

Justice – This word shows haw we are happy and excited to see the staff and to see your friends and most of all is to see your best friend. I also think why the school chose justice is to show haw happy we are in this community and to have our school so looked after, and haw we care as a school for our environment.

These are the 5 words so I hope you enjoyed what I thought about these words.